Monday, September 25, 2006

Squirrel Attacks Child

After squirrels attack children at a California park, some officials want to euthanize the brazen rodents.

"Park authorities recently changed the garbage can lids in the park and that made it harder for squirrels to get at food.
Since then, there have been reports of squirrels jumping into strollers and scratching and biting people.
But now, officials say euthenizing the squirrels may be an option.

Wildlife advocates also oppose the unusual measure of killing the animals and said it won't solve the problem.
"The squirrels will be back," South Bay wildlife rehabilitator Norma Campbell said. "For every one you take out, two more will come in. ..."

People of California, lock and load next time to take the kidies to the park. Don't let your child be the next victim.


At 8:35 AM, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Organized warefare on the vermin, thats the idea.


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